
More than ever, our prayers and intercessions to God are crucial during this critical time. So, please join us in prayers and intercessions these days for the Middle East.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,.. but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms…”

Ephesians 6:12

The Gospel

Pray that the Good News of the Gospel will spread over the land. That every person will have an opportunity to hear and understand the work of Jesus on the cross, His death and resurrection and how the Good News of Jesus can transform lives.


At this time when so many in Iran are disillusioned and seeking for alternatives, pray that they will come into contact with Christians who can tell them about the truth and freedom in Christ.


Pray that our Lord will prepare and send more laborers into this huge harvest.

Satellite TV

Satellite TV broadcasts continue to be a life-line for many believers. With four 24/7 Christian channels and other programmes available on social media, pray that all these resources will help Iranians to gain a good understanding of the Christian faith and grow in their faith.


Pray that discriminations against Iranian women will be overcome. Pray also for those suffering through domestic violence and the drug addiction of fathers and husbands, which have lead to and dramatically increased depression, running away from home, prostitution and suicide amongst women.


Pray for our counselling ministry for women that God will bring healing and restoration through this ministry.

His Glory

Pray for Torch Ministries that God will use our all ministries for His glory and transform and disciple people.

More than ever, our prayers and intercessions to God are crucial during this critical time. So, please join us in prayers and intercessions these days for Iran and the Middle East.